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    Watch What Happens to Your Eyes Inside an MRI During Rubbing

    Ever rub your itchy eyes and wonder what’s happening behind the scenes? Buckle up, because new research using MRI technology is shedding light on the surprising – and potentially harmful – effects of this common habit.

    Imagine your eyeball jiggling like a jelly in its socket! That’s exactly what a dynamic MRI scan captured when Dr. Damien Gatinel, an ophthalmologist, studied what happens inside the eye during rubbing. This cutting-edge technology provides a detailed view of internal processes, allowing us to see what we never could before.

    The MRI scan of eye rubbing visualization revealed more than just a wobbly eyeball. It showed that rubbing increases the water density in the cornea, the clear dome at the front of your eye. This change can lead to conditions like astigmatism, where your vision becomes blurry or distorted. Excessive rubbing can cause keratoconus, a condition where the cornea thins and warps into a cone shape.

    “These findings highlight the potential dangers of a seemingly harmless habit,”

    says Dr. Gatinel.

    “While rubbing your eyes might provide temporary relief from itchiness, it can have long-term consequences for your vision.”

    Want to see the eye-opening MRI scan eye rubbing visualization? Check out the below video:

    But wait, there’s hope!  If you’re a chronic eye rubber, there are ways to break the habit.

    • Use artificial tears: Dry eyes are a common trigger for rubbing. Artificial tears are a great way to keep your eyes lubricated and reduce irritation.
    • Address allergies: Allergies often cause itchy eyes. Consider discussing with your doctor the available allergy medications to alleviate any uncomfortable and itchy sensations you might be experiencing.
    • Cold compress: A cool compress on your eyes can reduce inflammation and soothe itchiness.

    So next time you feel the urge to rub, try one of these alternatives instead. Your eyes will thank you for it!

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