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    Reusable Vest Maps Electrical Activity to Predict Sudden Death Risk

    Researchers at UCL have created a new technology that can accurately map the heart’s electrical activity. This technology is a special vest that can be used multiple times. Millions of people worldwide are at risk of sudden cardiac death, and this technology can help identify those individuals.

    The cardiac vest is a cotton garment embroidered with 256 textile-based dry electrodes. The heart’s electrical signals are recorded using a non-invasive technique called electrocardiographic imaging (ECGI). ECGI can adjust for each patient’s anatomy and find small electrical phenomena that can’t be seen with a regular 12-lead ECG.

    Researchers use cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) to get detailed images of the heart’s structure and function. They also use a vest that collects electrical data. Combining the vest’s electrical data with the CMR’s anatomical data can map how the heart activates and recovers in real-time. These maps show how scars, fibrosis, or hypertrophy affect the heart’s electrical system.

    The vest records the heart’s electrical activity in just five minutes. The patient rests in a supine position. The researchers described their innovative technology in the Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance.

    This can change how we monitor heart health and save lives. It identifies people at risk of sudden heart attack. Sudden cardiac death often happens due to heart rhythm disorders like ventricular fibrillation or tachycardia. Different things, like genetic mutations, drugs, infections, or stress, can cause these disorders. The technology can detect these causes and see how they affect the heart’s electrical system.

    The technology can evaluate the effect of drugs, new cardiac devices, and lifestyle interventions on heart health. For example, it can measure how a drug affects the heart’s electrical activity and function. It can also measure how a pacemaker or defibrillator changes cardiac activation and recovery patterns. This information can guide healthcare professionals in making treatment decisions and improve patient outcomes.

    This vest is not a treatment but a robust diagnosis and prognosis tool. The technology can show a detailed and individualized view of the heart’s workings and structure. This is important for preventing and treating heart conditions. The technology has already been used to screen more than 800 patients with different heart problems, like arrhythmias, cardiomyopathies, or coronary artery disease.

    The cardiac vest can be used multiple times. It shows how technology can improve cardiology and help many people. It maps the heart’s electrical activity with high resolution and accuracy. This helps predict the risk of sudden cardiac death and guides treatment options for each patient.

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