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    Chris Brown Reveals His Career Blueprint (Exclusive!)

    In a recent interview on the R&B Money Podcast with Tank and J. Valentine, Chris Brown, a big name in R&B and often called “Kings of R&B” by his peers, shared his financial strategy and career blueprint for the first time.

    Chris Brown’s smart financial plays began when he was still young. At the early age, he invested in Burger King franchises. Young business acumen was further demonstrated. He entered into a 50-50 profit share deal with Jive Records, which ensured his pockets would always have potential. Brown owned his master’s pieces—what the major record label does or should control, the recordings—from his album F.A.M.E.

    Chris Brown said 

    “own what you create” and “invest in yourself” is most important. He means, “So, you know, I’m more, you’re able to see real money now or see there’s something from what I just created cause I know I create it, so now, you know, I can go and do this too. I can create something too. Wait till y’all see what I’m about to create. So, um, So now I can own all of that. It’s like what you said, man, I’m just, I’m like a testament to this [investing in yourself]” . This way of thinking was vital to his financial position.

    Brown stressed that owning what you create is crucial. He explains how he got the masters from his 2011 album, F.A.M.E., through his new releases . Thanks to this, Brown can profit from his work and is guaranteed a permanent income. In his words: “I can now see money or see something from what I made. I know I made it. So, now I get to own it all” .

    Brown was going on to say his favorite R&B artists and songs. His number one artists are Tank, Usher, Brandy, Tevin Campbell, and Sam Cooke. His fav songs are from “Braid my hair” by Mario to “Candy Rain” by So For Real. These artists helped form his music and make him the artist he is today. But it’s worth mentioning that Chris Brown is feuding with Quavo. Despite this, he continues to release new music, including the deluxe version of “11:11.”

    The podcast also enlightens the list of favorite R&B artists by Chris Brown and songs. This avails listeners with a view of his musical influence and preference. Chris Brown’s interview adds value. He shares his financial advice with a theme of ownership and creates a guideline for other artists. Finally, he ends on a positive note, saying, “Hey, I’m not saying to put your head down: just be the best you.”

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