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    White ‘Karen’ Woman Angry At Black Men For Shoving Snow Off ‘Her’ Sidewalk

    Attack of the Karen!

    A white woman is not at all happy with two Black men for shoveling snow off of her sidewalk out of kindness.

    @gregorymcadory #karan ♬ original sound – Gregory Mcadory

    The incident is caught on video by Gregory McAdory and his friend, who have a snow removal business in Rockford, Illinois.

    After a snow storm blanketed the area on February 17, Mr McAdory and his friend headed to their friend’s father’s driveway so they could clear it. After finishing their job, they moved to the sidewalk in front of their neighbor’s house and began clearing it as well.

    At that point, the neighbor came out and “bugged” them. She was upset that they had touched her lawn, and threatened to call the cops.

    They ‘Floridaman’ of the rest of the US

    The neighbor also didn’t like the idea that they had cleared her sidewalk of accumulated snow, as it made it more slippery for others walking by. As a result, she proceeded to shovel the snow back onto her sidewalk and then called the cops on them.

    There is a video of the whole incident on TikTok that has now gone viral, with over a million views. The two men film the whole thing, and remain calm despite being subjected to some really bad behavior by the neighbor. They also film again when the police arrive and speak to the woman, asking her to keep off of their property and not shovel her snow.

    They tell her that they are simply trying to do a good deed. She says that she does not appreciate their effort, and claims that they are making fun of her.

    Beware of Karen

    She is not satisfied with their explanation, and calls the police on them, claiming that they have trespassed on her property and taken pictures of her.

    This is not the first time that she has threatened to call the police on them for shoveling her driveway. She has a habit of calling the police on Black people for doing the simplest tasks.

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