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    Waka Flocka is Old As Fuck and He Wants No parts of the Rap Game

    Waka Flocka has had enough goddamnit!

    The 32-year-old rapper is announcing his retirement from setting the rap game ablaze. During an episode of “Raq Rants,” with Raquel Harper, the rapper revealed that he was tired of living a lie. He no longer wants to be the Atlanta MC that goes hard in the paint.

    “I did what I came to do. I made past $30 million, everybody that I started with is rich, everybody’s happy, everybody’s got kids… My right hand man that was running the streets with me is a pastor. Life changed for me. People want me to be hard in the paint…why? I’m 32-years-old. I’m a grown ass man,” he said during the sit-down talk.

    Flocka’s expecting a baby with his wife, Tammy Rivera, real soon. Our guess is, he’d rather sing a lullaby than rap about leaving n****s stanking.

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