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    Kim Kardashian’s Son Saint Has Hilarious Reaction to Paparazzi

    Kim Kardashian’s Son, Saint West, Makes Everyone Laugh with Silly Face

    You won’t believe the funny thing that happened with Kim Kardashian’s 7-year-old son, Saint West. After his basketball game in Los Angeles, he did something that had everyone giggling. Let’s dive into the details.

    Saint had just finished playing basketball, and guess what? There were loads of cameras waiting to take his picture. Now, most people would smile or wave, right? But not Saint. Nope, he decided to do something absolutely hilarious. He stuck out his tongue and made the goofiest face you can imagine. It was like a surprise joke for the cameras!

    Now, here’s where it gets even more fun. While Saint thought it was the funniest thing ever, his mom, Kim Kardashian, had a bit of a surprised look on her face at first. You know how moms can be, always wanting you to be super proper. She quickly told Saint to stop with the silly faces and tried to cover his face so the cameras couldn’t see. But here’s the cool part – even Kim couldn’t help but chuckle a bit because Saint’s silliness was just too much!

    But wait, there’s a fantastic twist to this story! Saint isn’t the only funny one in the family. His big sister, North, did something just as hilarious during a photo shoot for their holiday card last year. Instead of doing the usual smile, she stuck out her tongue too.

    And now, let’s talk about Kim Kardashian, who we all know is an awesome mom. She’s shared how taking family photos can be a bit tricky when you have kids who love to goof around. She’s crossing her fingers that the next time they snap pictures, everyone will flash their biggest, brightest smiles, and there won’t be any more funny faces. After all, moms really do treasure those lovely pictures for the family album, don’t they?

    Here’s the best part of the whole thing. Even though the Kardashians are super famous, they’re just like regular families in some ways. They have funny moments and goofy times too! It’s like when you and your pals have a good laugh during a game or at school.

    So, the next time your mom or dad tells you to smile nicely for a picture, remember that even famous kids like Saint and North can’t resist being silly sometimes. It’s all about having fun and sharing laughs! And it shows that being a kid means having lots of incredible moments, just like the Kardashians.

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