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    Watch: Niko Brim Launches “30for30” Freestyle Series

    As we head into the 4th quarter of 2018, Niko Brim is going to hit a home run to close out the year!  Fresh from the release of his most talked about music video “No AC”, Niko begins at first base with his Instagram exclusive freestyle series titled “30for30”; where he will release a 1-minute freestyle for the next 30 days (began Oct 1st) showcasing his witty and charismatic rhymes to penetrate your soul.
    You wonder why Niko Brim been crowned “The Prince of Soul Rap” and why artists like Rapsody support him? Check out Niko Brim’s 30for30 freestyle series below to get a closer look.

    Niko Brim Launches-1

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