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    Trump’s Controversial Mother’s Day Post: Snubs Melania, Cheers ‘Marxist’ Women

    The Slovenian-born former model drew cheers from the audience and applause as she spoke about her husband’s role as president, praising him for his toughness and compassion. “He’s a man who will be strong when he needs to be, but he’s also very caring and understanding, and he wants the best for all people,” she said. “He’s a unifier.” She also addressed the current baby formula shortage during an appearance on Fox News Network’s Lou Dobbs Tonight earlier this week.

    Trump Snubs Melania and Cheers ‘Marxist’ Women on Mother’s Day

    While Melania Trump appeared to enjoy her public speaking engagement, it’s clear that her private life is still very much up in the air. The two are not together very often, conducting their lives in different parts of the country. She was not seen when the former president boarded a plane to New York on Friday to face 34 felony counts in a scheme to bury allegations of sexual misconduct.

    Melania Trump did not join him Sunday when he returned to his home state to celebrate Mother’s Day. It’s been speculated that the reason he canceled the event was not because of tornado warnings. The reason instead being that he feared he would not be able to compete. He possible feared he could not draw a larger crowd than his rival for the GOP nomination, Ron DeSantis.

    Donald Trump’s strange mother’s day post

    Trump also snubbed his own wife in a bizarre Mother’s Day post on social media on Sunday. He wished a questionable happy Mother’s Day in a Truth Social page post. Wishing a happy mothers day to mothers of radical leftist lunatics who are ruining the country.

    Trump also posted a manipulated video clip. He butchered Anderson Cooper’s dark reaction to a recent town hall Trump held with the CNN host. He used old footage to forge the appearance that Cooper was talking about Joe Biden instead of him.

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