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    Fans are disgusted that Ice Spice has an android phone.

    The internet’s favorite rapper, Ice Spice, has just sent social media into a meltdown. What did she do? A simple mirror selfie… with an Android phone.

    Fans are freaking out, with some even calling it a major “turnoff.” However, is this anti-Android uproar really all that “”shire”? Let’s unpack the drama.

    It seems some fans associate iPhones with luxury. You know, like the phone is your personal Louis Vuitton bag – a symbol of success. However, isn’t that an outdated flex?

    Androids give you more features, options, and come at different price points. It is possible that Ice Spice is just a smart consumer.

    Instagram, celebrities use camera quality as a factor. Although it has been a trend, truthfully, iPhones are known to excel in photo processing. Presently, some Androids, especially the top tiers, are matching the iPhone’s reputation.

    Would it really matter to you if your favorite celeb used an Android? Let’s settle this in the comments!

    At the end of the day, a phone is a gadget used as a tool, and does a celeb preferred phone change their music or acting skills?

    Fans were on the ready to defend Ice Spice, after all, shouldn’t we be focusing on her talent, not her tech?

    Funny Fact: Did you know that although North America is home to many iPhone users, the global market is dominated by Android’s?

    Foldable phones, holographic displays, and god-knows-what-else is just around the corner. Let’s face it, will phone brands even matter in a few years?

    Therefore, next time you see your beloved celeb endorsing/independent a different phone brand, take a deep breath and repeat after me with confidence: it’s just a phone. We have to cherish the music, the movies, the entertainment they bring, not the device they use!

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