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    Streamer Vitaly Vows Harsher Tactics Against Online Predators

    California streamer Vitaly has exploded onto the internet, and into controversy, with his “Predator Hunting” live streams. By calling out individuals he believes to be online predators in a highly confrontational manner, he has literally exposed them to the public. Unfortunately for Vitaly, the LAPD has declined to investigate many of his cases, leading him to take matters into his own hands.

    Vitaly’s format feels like it’s been created by a vigilante character out of a movie. He’s been live on May 3, 2024, he’s been setting online traps to lure people suspected of soliciting minors for sex. This is broadcasted live on the Kick streaming platform and generally contains well-known guests, such as Rapper Ty Dolla $ign during the May 5, 2024, program. The suspects have their faces and online user names exposed; they are widely questioned and emotionally brutalized.

    It has ignited a heated argument. Vitaly’s fans believe he is a real demiurge, the only one who brings existing offenders to light. They claim existing law enforcement is too slow and inefficient and that viral streams are a vital eye-opener for society. Meanwhile, the other side is horrified by the approach. They call it bullying and assert that one has not been pronounced guilty until proven so in the court of law. Nobody could prevent them from assaulting innocent people; moreover, an online arrow could result in actual street riots.

    Those concerns became tragically real on May 5th. During a live stream, an elderly man confronted by Vitaly was suddenly punched by a bystander. The situation escalated quickly, with the elderly man later arrested for alleged pedophilia. Vitaly’s team, including security personnel Alan, were quick to condemn the violence. They stated they don’t condone such actions and that the attacker would face legal consequences. Vitaly himself echoed this sentiment, emphasizing that his mission does not involve violence.

    Ultimately, the LAPD’s failure to properly prosecute the predators Vitaly exposed throws a wrench into his plans. However, he’s not backing down; according to several sources, he has promised to be even “meaner” on his streams. It is not yet clear what this would entail. Will Vitaly intensify his humiliation of the suspect?

    Now that law enforcement is not on their trail, it is unknown how long Vitaly will continue. Will he even want to stream without government intervention? If so, how long would he carry on in the name of ‘online justice’? One thing can be said, the discourse of the predator, the vigilante, and the arbiter of justice for these kinds of offenses has yet to have begun. Vitaly has ignited a firestorm, and it remains to be seen if his brand of online intervention can truly clean up the web or simply create more chaos.

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