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    Seramasamy’s Love For House Music Leads To Fulfilling DJ Career

    Electronic dance music’s (EDM) meteoric ascent has opened up new platforms for musicians to share their work in a dynamic market that is always shifting and developing. Seramasamy is a musician, producer, and DJ located in New York City who is creating waves in the EDM scene. Since he first appeared online in 2022, he has become one of the most in-demand musicians, and his distinctive brand of house music has won over fans worldwide.

    After discovering his love for dance music, Seramasamy decided to become a DJ, and he has maintained his status as a pioneer in the field by developing his own unique style. Since he was raised on a wide variety of house music, he offers a fresh perspective on the genre that resonates with traditional and contemporary listeners alike. He hopes that by becoming more well-known, he will encourage other aspiring musicians to follow their own artistic passions.

    Connecting with fans and expanding your audience online is crucial in the competitive music industry. Seramasamy has accomplished this with the help of his hundreds of streams across several streaming sources and his expanding presence on social media. His goals as a New York City-based musician, producer, and DJ are to advance the genre and encourage budding musicians everywhere to never give up and pursue their dreams.


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