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    President Trump Headed Home After A 3 Day Hopsital Stay

    President Trump is headed back to the Whitehouse after being admitted to Walter Reed Center with Coronavirus!

    Donald Trump may have the shortest Coronavirus case known to the public because after just 3 days 45 is headed home. The president was released from the Walter Reed Medical Center is already back at the Whitehouse.

    During his short visit too the hospital, Trump didn’t miss a beat when it came to his favorite social media site. In fact, he may have been more active than usual, while his crazy level was still very high.

    A series of tweets apparently meant to inspire voters to hit the polls was the president’s way of greeting the public. While he supposedly is battling a disease that is especially deadly for the elderly, President Trump had time to tweet stuff like this.

    And this.

    However, that was even the biggest thing that had people upset with the president today. With his deadly disease in tow, Trump goes into a vehicle and came out to thank his supporters outside the hospital.

    The conspiracy theorists are having a field day with everything the president has done in the last 72 hours. Some find it too hard to believe that the diagnosis came so close to election time, and with everything Trump has done it easy to see why someone could think that way.

    What are your thoughts? Do you think President Trump is faking Coronavirus? Or is his miraculous turnaround more about being rich?

    Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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