Hip-hop has always provided the best platform where the artists’ innermost feelings come out. The genre saw political commentary and personal struggle, too. However, at times, an artist emerges who elevates hip-hop to unprecedented levels, exploring the most disturbing depths within the human soul.
One of these artists is Pazuzu, whose last album, “Evil thoughts” is a scary trip into the supernatural, the occult, and the spooky. In this review, let’s explore this mellow yet creepy album that has been taking the hip-hop community by storm.
Supernatural Soundscape: Exploring the Eerie Realms of Pazuzu’s ‘Evil Thoughts
For a while now, Pazuzu is a familiar face in the underground hip-hop scene. The song “Evil Thoughts” pushes this concept further than any of his previous works because they deal with extremely disturbing content. Do not listen to this album if you are weak-hearted. It is an eerie soundtrack, fit for chills.
The first track “Voltron,” introduces the theme and mood of the whole album. The haunting beat and eerie delivery make a compelling first impression of Pazuzu’s world. The words are enigmatic and obscure, prompting people to express their intent. In addition, tracks such as “G Fam black” and “Plague Magician” maintain the same sinister moods throughout the album.
There is a notable track in the album titled “The Heretic.” In it, Pazuzu delivers an exemplary flow and excellent lyricism. He raps on the supernatural and the occult, giving a fantastic image of a universe where everything counts in their value. This track’s producer gets no slack; the energy here pulses and contributes to the total ghostly feel of the record.
“Evil Thoughts” is unlike most hip – hop albums. This is definitely not your average sound, but Pazuzu clearly does things his own way with this effort. Pazuzu’s willingness to probe the most obscure aspects of the human psyche is why he stands out among other goth rock musicians.
In summary, “Thoughts” by Pazuzu is not a suitable album for everybody. The movie is gloomy, creepy, and bone-chilling that at once becomes very appealing for fans of the spiritual and the esoteric. Pazuzu’s style here is distinctly fresh and the lyrical prowess can never be ignored by lovers of dark Hip Hop. “Evil Thoughts” is a great song for those who are brave enough to make a dive into the world of Pazuzu.
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