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    President Trump: The Obama’s Have a Wall, So Give Us One TOO!

    h4>On Sunday, President Trump played his petty card again. The President wanted everyone to know that the Obama’s have a wall built around their home, therefore, so should America.

    He tweeted his thoughts about the wall, built around their D.C. mansion.

    Although the Obama’s have a wall built for security reasons, it’s not the same as what Trump’s trying to do. Their wall is only 10-feet tall, while the one Trump wants is much larger, and meant to keep an entire race of people out. Not to mention, he doesn’t want to pay for it and would rather shut down the government. 

    The Obama’s don’t plan on staying in the house forever. They’re renting it until their youngest daughter, Sasha Obama, graduates.

    Someone tell Trump to try another method of persuasion!

    What do you all think? Is this wall talk getting repetitive?


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