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    NBA Youngboy reportedly refused to give Feds the passcode to his phone

    NBA YoungBoy, whose real name is Kentrell DeSean Gaulden, is back in the news, though this time, it is not related to his music. The rapper, who has been under house arrest in Utah for two years while he awaits trial for a federal gun charge, was taken into custody on several felony charges. The charges include drug and weapon possession, along with many other alleged crimes.

    It is not the first time the rapper has encountered the law, his crimes mirroring the rebellion-filled lyrics of his songs. However, this time seems to be different. Upon being asked for the passcode on his phone, police claim YoungBoy met their request with a daring challenge: “Take it and break it.” NBA YoungBoy allegedly refused to offer the authorities his phone’s passcode. This action has still riled up conversations on social media, and people are more ringer on the topic of the rapper.

    The public standoff has everyone talking. Is this a practical stance for privacy — or is it a mastermind masking potential evidence? Legal scholars have said as much, with some emphasizing the delicate balance between an individual’s rights while still being held accountable by law enforcement. Some experts side with Youngboy, cheering his refusal to give up digital privacy. However, others ridicule on social media, insisting he will face many new rates either way.

    NBA YoungBoy’s legal woes do not stop with his parent-child feud. Less than a month later, after a property search, he was accused of using the identity of a dead lady to obtain capsules and was charged with 63 extra raps.

    Earlier in the year, prosecutors pleaded to address NBA YoungBoy’s “non-compliance” with his behavior. They also accused the rapper of using them, revealing that he was ordered not to use them. There is no information about what exactly kind of substances the rapper took; however, the young man allegedly said to supervise officers he had “quit.”

    Despite numerous encounters with the legal system, NBA YoungBoy remains one of the most well-known musicians in the industry. His contentious approach to life and music gave him a bigger stage and kept the star relevant to an even larger audience. With the story still to be written, it will be interesting to see what destiny awaits another contentious rapper.

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