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    Kayla Grace Drops New Single “Dumped” – A Powerful and Fun Take on Moving On

    Rising artist Kayla Grace has released her latest single “Dumped,” a powerful and fun anthem about letting go of a toxic relationship. The song narrates someone’s chaotic impact on Kayla’s life, yet she finds relief and moves on.

    According to Kayla, “Dumped” was inspired by someone who “kinda ruined my life for a bit.” She adds, “Writing and finishing this song has successfully allowed me to become indifferent about this person rather than allowing them to continue ruining me.”

    The dynamic of Carol Ades’ “26” was a reference point for Kayla while writing the song, and it shows in the emotional release that is felt in the climax of “Dumped.” The song’s upbeat tempo and catchy lyrics will have listeners singing along to the chorus, “All you got was dumped, dumped, dumped.”

    “Dumped” is the latest release from Kayla Grace, who has been gaining attention for her unique sound and honest songwriting. With its infectious melody and empowering message, “Dumped” is sure to become a fan favorite.

    Kayla Grace’s “Dumped” is now available on all major streaming platforms.

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