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    Jared Has Built a Solid Brand in the Global Music industry

    In today’s world, it’s becoming harder to be your true self. The digital space has become so toxic that people are afraid of being honest as they feel they will be judged if they do so. Fast-rising artist Jared Henry now brings back this important moral virtue through music.

    Jared Henry believes one of the best ways/platforms to encourage honesty is the digital space, as it is where the rift started. He uses music to achieve this. Jared shares his journey, the highs, and the lows, through music as he shows the listener that it is okay not to have everything figured out and that they do not have to hide who they are.

    “You do not have to pretend or lie just to fit in; you can still shine by embracing your true self. You also don’t have to give up on your dreams just because you encounter an obstacle or society thinks otherwise. People will always have something to say, but that doesn’t mean they are right, and failure isn’t the end of the road. You can always get up and start again,” says Jared.

    Jared is a well-known pop star verified on Spotify with several top songs. Aside from his passion for music, he also has a mind for business. On the other side of excitement, Jared admits that being multi-passionate presented some challenges he had to overcome. The music industry is highly crowded, and breaking through the noise takes a lot of work. Jared needed to find the right team to break out, which was a feat of its own. He wanted a team that understood his goals, and building it took a lot of trial and error. Jared explains that being true to himself helped him attract the right people. It changed his perspective on life, work, and the music industry.

    Jared views music as a tool of communication that he uses to speak to the world. He shows the person on the other end the importance of being honest and hopeful. His objective while building his brand is to establish a secure environment for all individuals.

    “I want people to feel noticed, loved, and appreciated. I want them to know that they are not alone and what they are going through; someone else has probably gone through that and emerged victorious, so they don’t have to worry.

    I also want to show them that Jared Henry is a real person with imperfections but also lots of personality and hope,” says Jared.

    Jared Henry is currently working on new music projects. He is looking to do a tour in the coming years as he connects with his fans and other artists, especially the up-and-coming ones. Jared is also working on a global time.

    He hopes to help younger musicians find their way in the brutally competitive music scene with his work.

    Connect with Jared Henry: Instagram | Spotify 

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