For the better part of a month, Apple users have been drooling over the latest gadgets rolled out.
Of course, we waited patiently for the next round of Apple i-phones and i-watches to be made available for purchase. We had plenty of speculation around what the next round Apple products would be able to do. Hands down Apple was able to deliver yet again, leaving smiles on stockholders faces and assets to grow in their portfolio.
The beloved trillion dollar company has been on an extended winning streak as of late with no end in sight. Because of Apple’s pedigree, they are able to demand the highest dollar in the technology 0consumer based markets. At the moment, some of Apple’s handheld devices are going for upwards of $1500.
Despite the high prices for the latest i-phone, people are still willing to wait in long lines just to say they have the newest edition in i-phones. Apple’s target market continues to expand with the recent announcement of economy priced products being available to a lower price point market. Macbooks for the first time ever will be under the $1,000 mark, leaving an untouched market of individuals enticed with high-quality production.
Apple’s model of consistency has become one of the solid reasons why expectation will always be high. With Apple looking to expand in the self-driving market, we can’t help but believe that Apple will soon take control of the chessboard. In business, it’s constantly emphasized that corporations shouldn’t expand in unfamiliar territory. Apple single handly defy that theory with the practice of there business. What are your thoughts on Apple? Share your thoughts in the comments
Read up more about Apple here.