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    Bill Murray Set To Work At P.F Chang??

    Oscar Winner BIll Murray Applied To Job at P.F Chang and he got Hired.

    Bill Murray is an acting legend and Oscar winner who is still active today. The groundhog day star is beloved across the country and has made millions over his career. He is even set to reprise his role as Peter Venkman in the upcoming Ghostbuster movie.

    Murray was on the “3 girls and 1 Keith podcast with Amy Schumer discussing a lot of different topics. One of the things that came up was how Bill put in an application to work at a P.F Chang in an Atlanta airport. The 69-year-old actor said that he “thinks its just one of the great places. Even more, when asked what position he was applying for Murray stated “just to work there.

    The company heard about the actor’s interest in a Job and tweeted to let him know he was hired


    However, Murray hasn’t responded yet so we don’t know how serious he was. The actor did go on to discuss other topics during the podcast though. One of the things discussed during the show was Family Feud. Which the Illinois native admitted is his favorite show. He actually admitted he doesn’t watch the whole program and usually fast forwards to the fast money portion.

    Murray surprisingly shared a connection with Schumer that dates back to the ’80s. When the actor was a member of SNL he used to buy Liquor from a story owned by Schumer’s family. During the show, Murray told Schumer:

    “I’m serious, they really did it. Every week during ‘Saturday Night,’ they’d bring four bottles of champagne to my office. After the show, my guests and I would gather there, listen to the Spinners, have a few drinks, and then head to the party. We’d enjoy the four bottles before joining the party.”

    We are not sure if Bill is actually going to take the job, but you may want to look for him the next time you’re in Atlanta Airport.

    What do you guys think about Bill Murray Job Application?

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    Featured Image Credit: CNN

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