In the heart of a bustling school, a fascinating transformation unfolded. A teacher, who wishes to remain anonymous, observed a significant shift in her students’ musical preferences over the course of the school year. The transition was not abrupt but rather a gradual evolution that seemed to mirror the students’ growing understanding of the world around them.
At the start of the academic year the year’s corridors echoed to the catchy beats and relatable lyrics of Drake. The combination of rhythm and poetry helped the students identify with his music. It was the music they heard during breaks, the rhythm they followed during the wild energy of youth.
Later in the year, the teacher noticed a pattern.The beats of Drake faded, and Lamar’s profound lyrics and social commentary took its place. The students’ interest in Lamar’s music directly coincided with the class’ poetry and societal problems. This empathize suggested a possible connection between their academic studies and listening preferences.
A teacher explains how the students at her school have gone from being pro-Drake to rooting for Kendrick Lamar. PIC.TWITTER.COM/GBXTENJGXX
— XXL Magazine (@XXL) MAY 8, 2024
It occurred over a lengthy time period and in multiple ways. For instance, the students listened to some songs outside of the class before bringing them into the class. The students discovered Kendrick’s music and showed it to the teacher either in monitors or by creating it with mixers. The teacher would notice how the students would engage in the lyrics and discuss them during playtime, review work, menial games, and so on.When the class was studying lyricists, some rapgot disclosed to the students, and they took some of the songs from these artists and recreated them.
Kendrick’s use of hip hop, jazz and funk, as well as his originality in terms of rhythm and melody, can be enjoyed by people with a variety of musical tastes. Kendrick’s music has been universally praised and he has received many prizes, all of which have increased students’ interest in his art. As the songs of Kendrick Lamar began to be played, other students began to walk and teachers, for example, to discuss the lyrics of his songs with his students, including at the time when they are studying in poetry.
This change of heart might have been enhanced by the recent beef between Kendrick Lamar, Drake, and J. Cole. The next day after the release of the poll results, the former decided to strike back by dropping a verse on Metro Boomin and Future’s track “Like That,” where he sneakily dissed both of his current rivals. These facts, in addition to the Drake and Metro Boomin’s beef, support the noticed shift in musical taste among the students.