    Home News Update Videos 'I don't know if I have a wife anymore': Guy embarrasses new wife so badly at wedding that she won't even answering his messages anymore

    'I don't know if I have a wife anymore': Guy embarrasses new wife so badly at wedding that she won't even answering his messages anymore

    'I don't know if I have a wife anymore': Guy embarrasses new wife so badly at wedding that she won't even answering his messages anymore

    How badly can you mess up at your own wedding? This unfortunate dummy found out real quick. 

    This 31 year old OP and his 29 year old spouse decided to tie the knot, and of course that comes with lots of decision making. This misogynistic OP wrote that while he thought up a hilarious joke for his wedding, his fiancé was taking care of the serious stuff. He’d seen one of his buddies write “Help me!” on the bottom of his wedding shoes in the style of “Toy Story,” and as the OP recounts, that was a huge hit with the wedding crowd. 

    Working together with his brother, the OP decided to introduce this “joke” into his own wedding, and it sounds unbearably cringey for every single person involved. Girl, leave him, and OP, just read the comments to find out what you did wrong. As one person wrote, “Always make sure both spouses are in on the joke.” 

    After you scroll through the details of this giant red flag of a wedding, check out this guy whose friends have really terrible dining etiquette.