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    Did Metro Boomin made the first diss beat in HISTORY

    The Metro Boomin and Drake beef just got a lot more compelling. Although diss tracks are not new in hip-hop, the release of “BBL DRIZZY” by Metro Boomin is a game changer. Well, not entirely.

    Since its inception, diss tracks, driven by lyrical barbs directed at rivals, have been a pillar of hip-hop culture. However, a dedicated diss beat, a track engineered to be rapped over with the explicit intent of being shelved? That is a new development.

    While the whole diss beat idea was something new, it was also inspired by a probable coincidence, as comedian King Willonius released “BBL Drizzy,” a parody, at the same time. However, the fact that Metro organized a public competition to find the best verse that suits his free beat makes it another authentic interaction.

    When it comes to the feud, things appeared calm between Metro Boomin and Drake. Each made cryptic tweets, and one of Drake’s diss tracks named “Family Matters, released on May 3rd, brought a spark. Metro’s track, “BBL DRIZZY”, was intended to pour verbal fuel over it.

    There is a lot of talk after Metro’s beat giveaway, and actually other artists even took the opportunity to comment on the situation. I still can’t decide between a planned marketing strategy or sincere reaction to “First Thing’s First”, but one thing is certain: the move was very courageous for the music industry. This is probably an opening act. Producer-driven diss beats and the possibilities of involving a wider audience are a new playing field in hip-hop. Other producers making special beats for disses seem to be a spicy proposal to consider.

    While the “BBL DRIZZY” situation might not be the first diss beat ever, it’s certainly a unique twist on an age-old tradition. It’s a power move by Metro Boomin, one that has the potential to redefine how producers engage in musical feuds. As for the Drake-Metro Boomin saga, only time will tell if this beat battle escalates or fades into a footnote. But one thing’s certain: the hip-hop world is watching with popcorn in hand.

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