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    WTF Baron Davis is Comedy Gold

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    Baron Davis, yes… the basketball player Baron Davis is hilarious. I say that because he has a show that comes on Fuse. Its ok, I know you didn’t know. It will make you cry in the right way. The show is a dark horse that many people do not know about. It’s rude, spontaneous, witty, and loveable. The characters are great, and the plot is simple and understanding that you’ll have no choice but to love it.

    This show is unexpected. It gives the same dialogue as Mike Tyson Mysteries while not going supernatural. It has its bad moments, but they are still funny. I love that we get to see a different side of a professional athlete and enjoy it.

    How is Baron Davis?

    WTF Baron Davis is Comedy Gold

    B.D is the star of the show and he deserves to be. It’s not like he gives a stellar performance. It’s just that he is funny and honest, that you won’t be able to get enough of him. He plays a mentor trying to help people become the best version of themselves. Baron calls it an “investment”. He enjoys helping his mentees and friends but they rarely enjoy his help.

    He is not alone. The show gives us other characters who are as crazy has Baron. They each have their relationship with Baron, which makes you laugh and enjoy their time together. I know a lot of people didn’t watch this show but they should. It’s not severe but still grows into a serious show that will shock you in the end.


    WTF Baron Davis is a great show that makes you laugh and you will want more. It’s not serious but has serious moments. You will grow with the cast and appreciate them. The straight forward comedy is what makes the show. Even though the episodes are 12-15 minutes and have only 8 episodes. You will fill fulfill watching it. WTF Baron Davis hit the points it’s trying to make with healthy dialogue, lines, and scenes.

    WTF Baron Davis can be found for free on Tubi and Hulu with a subscription. There is no news on season 2, but when it drops, we will let you know.

    If you agree or don’t, make sure to comment below and tell us what you think.

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