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    What Are The Treatment Options For Chronic Depression?

    Unfortunately, in recent years, depression has become a widespread illness, especially among younger people. Sadly, many confuse sadness with depression, but it definitely goes far beyond that feeling.

    Namely, depression, particularly chronic, can become so serious and severe that it can frequently negatively affect a person’s ability to normally function. This is especially the case with clinical depression.

    According to the statistics, approximately one in six people in the United States is battling this condition. But are there any treatments for serious cases of depression? Fortunately, there are and today we’ll create a list of things that can be of huge help to those who are suffering from it.

    The Best Treatments For Chronic Depression

    Depression Counseling

    There’s no denying that there are lots of benefits of depression counseling. Compassionate and inventive therapists at want to accentuate the fact that therapy can help an individual identify and manage certain factors that cause this condition. This approach helps uncover various efficient coping mechanisms that will alleviate the symptoms.

    What steps can individuals take to determine if this type of therapy suits them? It is crucial to recognize that feelings such as sadness, stress,and loneliness are experienced by many individuals at various points in life. These emotions are a natural part of being human.

    Nonetheless. If someone experiences symptoms indicative of depression for more than a week and these symptoms significantly hamper their ability to function effectively. It may suggest the appropriatenessof seeking therapy.

    If that’s the case with you, then you should talk to your healthcare provider to see if depression counseling should be your next step. Bear in mind, that there are several factors that cause this mental illness. Now, how can you recognize if you’re suffering from chronic depression, or not?

    • Feelings of constant sadness, emptiness, or loneliness
    •  Lack of excitement about anything in particular, not even seeing your favorite people, or attending an interesting event
    • You oftentimes feel worthless and hopeless
    • Lack of enough energy to do anything, even the least demanding tasks
    • You cannot focus on anything
    • Trouble falling asleep at night or struggling to wake up in the morning
    • Have frequent thoughts about death or suicide
    • Notice drastic changes in your diet
    • Experience continuous feelings of irritation

    Antidepressants As Another Great Option

    Antidepressants are generally a positive option, especially when combined with therapy.

    However it is advisable to consult with your doctor before starting any medication to understand what options are available for you. There are numerous antidepressants on the market each with its own potential side effects that may be influenced by pre existing physical conditions or concurrent medications. When encountering such scenarios it is customary for physicians to propose the utilization of an SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) because of its limited adverse reactions while still being highly effective.

    Alternatively, there is another medication known as a non-reversible monoamine oxidase inhibitor, which can only be prescribed by a mental health professional. Keep in mind, that you shouldn’t be taking a medication called dosulepin because many reports have shown that it is associated with some heart-related problems. Besides antidepressants that were mentioned above, there are some others that are frequently prescribed, like:

    • Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors like venlafaxine, or duloxetine
    • Serotonin modulators such as trazodone
    • Atypical antidepressants, for example, bupropion and mirtazapine
    • Atypical antipsychotics and mood stabilizers are oftentimes combined with other antidepressants
    • Tricyclic antidepressants, for instance, nortriptyline or amitriptyline
    • Monoamine oxidase inhibitors, like selegiline or phenelzine

    Anything Else That Should Be Added Below?

    What If Antidepressants Do Not Work?

    Occasionally, you may get the feeling like the medicine you’re taking isn’t working or has some serious side effects. If that’s what you’re currently experiencing, then give it some time to see if it truly isn’t helpful.

    Keep in mind, that it takes approximately eight weeks to see any improvements. On the other hand, if you really do not feel better even after long periods of time, then it’s time to give other options a try. Fortunately, there are several medications out there that just might be helpful, such as:

    1. Ketamine or esketamine
    2. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)
    3. Other effective brain stimulation treatments
    Man dealing with depresion
    Man expressing his anxiety

    No matter how pessimistic or hopeless you may be feeling right now, as you can see, there are so many amazing options out there that are going to help you overcome this. Just don’t forget to seek help whenever you’re feeling down or depressed.

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