    Home News Update Videos 'That's Offensive' : Most Blunt Unpopular Opinions For The Brave Internet Knights Who Don't Shy Away From Controversy

    'That's Offensive' : Most Blunt Unpopular Opinions For The Brave Internet Knights Who Don't Shy Away From Controversy

    'That's Offensive' : Most Blunt Unpopular Opinions For The Brave Internet Knights Who Don't Shy Away From Controversy

    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but man, some of these opinions deserve a facepalm. Don’t get me wrong, free speech is great and all, but that automatically means we have the right to judge your judging. Some highly opinionated folk have taken to Reddit to express themselves in the r/unpopularopinion sub, which is totally fair — that’s the point of the sub. If you want to get riled up, now you know where to go.

    The thing with being vocal on the internet is we’re privileged enough to be able to anonymize ourselves. In real life, we do not have this advantage. This is why trolling is so rampant across social media — nobody knows who you are. And we all know how seriously people take things nowadays… the internet is full of people who advocate for cancel culture. People commend free speech as long as they’re the ones talking. AKA, there is no room for other opinions — in fact, other opinions are offensive and should be banned! The right to free speech should be renounced, as long as it goes with their idea of a status quo.

    Rant over. Below you will find some opinions that may resonate with you. While others… not so much. I raised my eyebrows quite a bit myself, but hey — fair is fair. You can also click here for a random batch of fails in the form of some pretty wacky pics.