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    Super Tuesday Voting Results Are In!

    Biden takes the lead in a close Democratic race.

    Yesterday was Super Tuesday and American citizens in 14 states in the country casted their votes for the Democratic nominee. Vice President Joe Biden, Senator Bernie Sanders, Senator Elizabeth Warren, and former Mayor Mike Bloomberg, all faced off for the Democratic nomination and the person to run against current president, Donald Trump. Former Vice President Joe Biden takes a commanding lead in the race for the Democratic nomination. Winning 9 of the 14 states, Biden has surmounted Bernie in the delegate vote. According to the Associated Press, Biden has accrued 452 delegate votes and Sanders has 382 delegate votes. Mike Bloomberg has dropped out of the Democratic race and place his support behind Joe Biden. At this time, Elizabeth Warren is deciding how her camp will move forward and who she will support.

    Below is a list of the results from the 14 states that voted on Super Tuesday according to the Associated Press:

    Alabama: 52 delegates are available; Joe Biden won
    American Samoa: 6 delegates are available; Mike Bloomberg won
    Arkansas: 31 delegates are available; Joe Biden won
    California: 415 delegates are available; Bernie Sanders won
    Colorado: 67 delegates are available; Bernie Sanders won
    Maine: 24 delegates are available; Tie Between Biden and Sanders
    Massachusetts: 91 delegates are available; Joe Biden won
    Minnesota: 75 delegates are available; Joe Biden won 
    North Carolina: 110 delegates are available; Joe Biden won 
    Oklahoma: 37 delegates are available; Joe Biden won
    Tennessee: 64 delegates are available; Joe Biden won
    Texas: 228 delegate are available; Joe Biden won
    Utah: 29 delegates are available; Bernie Sanders won
    Vermont: 16 delegates are available; Bernie Sanders won 
    Virginia: 99 delegates are available; Joe Biden won

    With Joe Biden taking the lead in the Democratic nominee race, do you think he is the best person to run against President Donald Trump?

    Let us know what you think in the comment section below!

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