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    Kanye West in Legal Trouble Again: Photographer Sues for Assault

    Kanye West in Legal Trouble

    According to allegations from Ventura County, Kanye West, seized a phone from a paparazzi photographer and flung it into oncoming traffic while she was recording him.

    The Incident

    Photographer Nichol Lechmanik captured video of the altercation outside a sports facility in Newbury Park on January 27th. West was at this location to support one of his children, supposedly participating in a school game.

    Allegedly, West became agitated and approached the photographer, forcefully grabbing her phone and throwing it into the street. The incident sparked a legal battle that could have significant ramifications for both parties.

    According to the Los Angelos Times, Lechmanik’s lawsuit includes that the altercation occurred while the photographer was waiting it used a sports center to “initially” take a picture of Kim Kardashian. As Lechmanik’s passed the building, she saw West and took photographs of him instead.

    During the case on Thursday, both videos from each party of the incident were played.

    Lechmanik filed a police report with the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office after the incident, but no criminal charges of assault, battery, etc have been filed against the rapper.

    “Nichol wants justice, so she filed her lawsuit against Ye. In addition, she wants him to stop interfering with the rights of other photographers to engage in their lawful occupation”

    Aside from his musical Talents, West is known for ‘harassing’ paparazzi. Many people wonder if celebrities should have the same right to privacy as paparazzi do to take pictures.


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