    Home News Update Videos ‘Felix Felicis’ : Ultimate Malfunctions That Failed to Flop for Your Lucky Average Jo

    ‘Felix Felicis’ : Ultimate Malfunctions That Failed to Flop for Your Lucky Average Jo

    ‘Felix Felicis’ : Ultimate Malfunctions That Failed to Flop for Your Lucky Average Jo

    We all know someone who is practical to the extent that they don’t believe in miracles of any kind. This Reddit thread is proof (well, proof-ish, considering it’s the internet so obviously we’ve gotta take everything with a grain of salt) that they exist — in the form of a fail, no less. Sometimes you just luck out, and it’s kind of unexplainable. Call it a flux, coincidence, or fate — either way, the facts that stare you in the face are undeniable. 

    The great thing about all this is that this stuff happened to regular people, which kind of leaves hope for the rest of us, don’t you think? It’s like when Ron thought he downed the flask filled with Felix Felicis (Harry Potter reference, for you muggles out there), but didn’t. He just got a placebo effect. Personally, if I could get choose to luck out on something, it would definitely be salary. I can’t imagine sending a potential employer double the amount that I would like to receive, and then get a casual ‘Sure, no problem’ as a response. In what world?

    While we’re on the topic of being broke asf, click here for some of the best relatable work memes that probably won’t help your motivation levels, but will boost your serotonin.