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    Why People Are Boycotting Goya


    People all around the world have been boycotting Goya Foods and not buying their products at supermarkets. Many are wondering why this protest is taking place, as it seems kind of random during this time. It was discovered recently that the CEO of Goya Foods Robert Unanue is a proud Trump supporter. Unanue stated that Trump is a great builder and the US is blessed to have him at president. He openly supports the president’s policies but in return, people are not happy about it.


    The irony here is that Goya is a company that produces authentic Latino products. Many famous seasonings and canned goods come from Goya. It is a very culturally based company. Meanwhile, Trump is someone who once said a judge was unable to do their job because he was “Mexican”.  He also treats Puerto Ricans poorly and is actively trying to deport Dreamers. All in all, Trump is not an advocate for Latino people. So, for the CEO of a company like Goya to endorse Trump is a little confusing.


    Unanue’s reaction to the boycott of his company is that it is a “suppression of speech”. He is upset that he feels like he can’t show his support for Trump. However, boycotting is not an example of suppressing someone’s speech. There are a lot of people who simply don’t agree with his opinion and therefor refuse to buy his products. 


    The hashtag #Goyaway has been trending since this all started. As of now, Unanue has refused to apologize and still stands his ground. 

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