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    Tamara Mowry’s Late Niece Alaina Housley Laid To Rest

    Tamara Mowry had to face the sad responsibility of laying her late niece Alaina Housley down to rest today.

    Tamera Mowry and husband Adam Housley went to the funeral of their late niece, Alaina, who was one of the victims of the Thousand Oaks shooting last week.

    “Today we lay you to rest sweet angel,” Tamara Mowry captioned an inspirational message on IG. “I’ll miss you forever and your sweet smile. Until we meet again. This quote was sent to me by my friend David. When I am having a challenging day, I cling to it.”
    Tamara Mowrys-1

    The quote read: “Grief never ends… but changes. It’s a passage. Not a place to stay. Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith… It is the price of love.”

    Alaina was 1 of 12 shooting victims at the Borderline Bar and Grill Shooting in Thousand Oaks, Calif., earlier this year in November. The gunman was a former Marine Corps veteran.

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