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    T-Spazz Liberates Her Debut Single “Who’s Bad?”

    DMV Based Rap Act T-Spazz Makes Her Official Intro

    After a handful of visuals and quick-strike releases under her belt, T-Spazz is ready to make her mark with the audio debut of “Who’s Bad?.” A clever flip of Michael Jackson’s “Wanna Be Startin Somethin” and “Bad,” the high energy track is perfect for the afternoon commute from work or pre-game party starter.

    Raised by a single mother in the Southeast region of the nation’s capital, she used hip-hop to escape the harsh reality of gangs, gun violence, and drugs lurking just outside her front door. What began as simply creating dance routines to popular songs on the radio quickly turned into full-blown performances that resulted in her winning a handful of local talent shows during her early teens.

    Now a full grown woman and mother herself, she’s poised to shoot her shot at rap superstardom!

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