    Home News Update Videos Relatable Work Memes for Employees With a Permanent Case of the Mondays (February 21, 2023)

    Relatable Work Memes for Employees With a Permanent Case of the Mondays (February 21, 2023)

    Relatable Work Memes for Employees With a Permanent Case of the Mondays (February 21, 2023)

    After every three day weekend lies the lurking dread of a short week. If a 4 day work week was normalized at your job, it wouldn’t be so stressful coming off of a holiday weekend because you probably wouldn’t be suffering from a 3-day-binge hangover and you wouldn’t have your micro-managing boss breathing down your neck. The freedoms of the last three days have only taught you is that work sucks. Why do billionaires keep attempting to work? You’ll never understand that. Either way, here you are, suffering the consequences of your peasant birth, working to make a living, but leaving you wanting more. It’s what’s led you to scour the pages of Indeed and ZipRecruiter once again.