    Home News Update Videos 'Ouch, Honest Much?' : Rare Insults by Internet Trolls That Push Buttons in All the Wrong Places

    'Ouch, Honest Much?' : Rare Insults by Internet Trolls That Push Buttons in All the Wrong Places

    'Ouch, Honest Much?' : Rare Insults by Internet Trolls That Push Buttons in All the Wrong Places

    The internet is a safe haven for the anonymous AHs who have, in recent years, gained a reputation for being trolls. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the description (I’m talking to the 1 percent of y’all, as I’m sure most of you are well aware), internet trolls deliberately try to offend people and cause as much trouble as they can whilst staying anonymous. Sure, some trolls have the guts to walk around with a username that is actually their name, but most of them are too cowardly to bear that badge.

    To be fair, some trolls are hilarious. I personally find them to be incredibly entertaining. Not all of them, but some, for sure. While scrolling through r/RareInsults on Reddit, I decided to compile a list for your personal entertainment. Scroll down and check out some of the funniest comebacks/honest opinions I came across. You can also check out this Reddit thread where people reveal some of the shadiest things the companies they used to work at did.