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    Officals now Issue “Mask At All Times” Policy

    Mask On

    As the days go by, more and more coronavirus cases are continuing to pop up. Something that should’ve been handled very serious from the beginning has now become a global pandemic. It has now gotten to the point where people are not allowed to leave the house unless they are essential workers or have to get necessities. Official say to wash your hands and keep your hands away from your mouth to avoid getting this disease. Using a mask is highly recommended, but some states have decided to take things a step further.

    Mask At All Times

    So what state are we going to miss issue masks on in public places order. This means you have to run errands or go to your essential job yet have a mask on when you go in. They are hoping that the neck and his policy was the help slow down the spread of the coronavirus. Regardless of the state you live and you should still wear a mask on when you go out in public. Just because you do not show any symptoms that me and you are not a carrier of the Corona virus. Do not think of this is as doing something just for yourself but, for the community as a whole. We are all in this together, but please wear a mask.

    What do you guys think about all this. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below. Let us know what future content you would like to see us cover. And as always be safe and have a good day.

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