The City Does Sleep I Guess
New York City has become Ground Zero for the coronavirus. As being the largest city in the country with the highest population density, it is completely understandable why. It is also the main reason why the New York Governor and NYC’s Mayor have been taking this very seriously these past few months. Implementing strategies such as fines, curfews, and now limiting public transportation to help stop the spread of the virus.
NYC’s 24 hour public transportation zones will now be taking breaks during the night time so that way we workers can clean them to write the spread of the coronavirus.The shut down time will be between 1 AM and 5 AM. They also announced at Long Island rail and metro north subsystems will be receiving daily sanitation as well. This is a good step forward and helping to combat the virus. By giving workers in enough time to clean the virus and not have the trains running 24 seven but inevitably decrease the probability of train riders of catching the coronavirus. Hopefully this one step in the right direction will let us right to the door I’m getting out of this terrible pandemic. For an out the best thing to do is continue social distancing and if you show any signs of the coronavirus to get tested.
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