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    NYC Nightclub Creates Cash-Flash Door Policy: $50,000 Minimum to Enter

    New York Nightlife Takes a Gilded Turn: Nebula’s Flashy Door Policy Raises Eyebrows

    The bright lights of Times Square have long shone on a New York City that never quite slept. Now, another club is grabbing people’s attention — and not just because of its bordering on garish interior design. Nebula, which only opened in the past few months on Tuas Avenue 9, boasts an ultra-bold entry requirement: A minimum bank account balance of $50,000 a pop for men.

    And with 11,000 square feet across multiple levels at its disposal (135 W. 41st Street), Nebula’s clearly hoping for a lush playground in the heart of the city. There is nothing good looks or charisma have in common with this promised land, but eh we’ve said it. The only way to get there is one fucking cold hard step at a time.

    This is the story in all economics columns these days as no one has seen anything like this. Though that sum seems paltry to some, it functions as a sort of velvet rope around the club — and blocks many would-be members from joining. The strategy of creating an exclusive vibe has attracted different opinions about its effect on what essentially makes nightlife special anyway — inclusivity and the shared love for partying.

    There was a lot of love it or hate for view on social media. Cynics and skeptics call it mere elitism — a playground for the privileged few. “For us nightlife itself is and should be a space where if you have the right spirit that is all you need to let yourself free even if you don’t have money in your bank account: so how could we expect from people who barelt put food on their table everyday to buy our clothes?” According to them, this policy simply goes against the very grain of communal fun for which people come to clubs.

    But others believe this to be a strategically planned business practice. In catering to this sort of high-end clientele, Nebula is seeking to create a particular vibe and draw the kind of spender it wants coming through the doors. There is also the more realistic question of how you would go about checking whether the banks’ statements are correct or even if patrons will feel comfortable enough to share this sort information.

    It’s a very different ethos from the legendary New York clubs of the 1970s and ‘80s, like Studio 54 with its galaxy of celebrities. “That sentiment really endeared them to the public,” documentarian Matt Tyrnauer, who directed this year’s Studio 54, tells Vanity Fair. “The doors were basically open to anyone they felt was in the spirit of what they were trying to accomplish: a culture of expression and celebration where dissimilar people with conflicting visions could come together against the backdrop of an incredible light show on a dance floor.” (Marion’s own iteration tends toward cheeky prose that could have been ripped from Disco Bloodbath, Ryan Landry’s theatrical degradation fest based on the documentary Party Monster.) Otherly, Nebula’s financial boundaries seem to create an almost tangible perceived barrier between those inside and other segments of our city’s nightlife community.

    It is further shining a light on the ever-growing gap between rich and poor that has infiltrated all but the most transient, carefree spaces. Nebula’s requirement for entry to be based on financial status could end up drawing stronger lines in the social sand and building a platform that feels more elitist than meritocratic.

    Now, as New Yorkers play the guessing game over Nebula’s future, there is one question still hanging up in the air: Will exclusivity be its savior — or will it bring about its end? — Some think the appeal of belonging to an exclusive group will be too strong, while others anticipate a wave of resentment from those who find themselves excluded Key to Nebula’s potential success, according to the same individual, will be finding a balance between exclusivity and the dynamic waves of inclusivity that have been at the core of New York nightlife.

    The nebula would definitely be another intriguing chapter in this ever ending story we call… New York City Nightlife Only time will tell if its cheeky entry policy hints at a bold new era in nightclub social demeanor or instead becomes the basis for mass public outrage. While it’s unclear at the moment whether this is just a flash in the pan, or if events like Nebula will lead to further conversations happening downstream, it’s clear that farewell parties have become a buzzword for anyone looking to have fun while navigating money and social standing.

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