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    Nintendo Direct 2021 Third Party Games Revealed for 2022 Release

    Nintendo Direct 2021 Games, DLC, & Updates Revealed

    Part One of Nintendo Direct 

    Nintendo Direct delivered several indie and third party games. Accordingly, release dates tend to fall around 2022. During the Direct, Nintendo teased the following games: Chocabo gp, Castlevania Collection, Monster Hunter Rise, Bayonetta 3, and Disco Elysium.  Let’s check out some of the games announced in their direct.

    Third Games Revealed in Nintendo Direct 2021

    1. Chocabo GP

    Chocabo GP
    CHOCABO Gp from Square Enix. Racing game similar to Mario Kart. Via Nintendo Direct 2021

    First, Chocabo GP. If this one feels familiar. It is because it’s based on the popular Mario Kart concepts. In fact, it does feel like a direct rip of the game. Which, if you ask me, is a little lazy.  But, will it be enjoyable? Yes.

    If you enjoyed Mario Kart, you will enjoy this family friendly Final Fantasy meets racing game. Instead of power ups, it will be called spells but yes it works in the same way. Since, Mario Kart has been out a long time it may be getting stale for some. So, if you are looking for different tracks to play, this will satisfy that need until the next Mario Kart release.

    Company: Square Enix, 2022

    2. Castlevania Advance Collection

    In the past years, the castlevania games were always highlights. Now, they will be available in a collection.

    Company: Konami

    3. Monster Hunter Rise; Sunbreak

    Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak
    Nintendo Games; Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak summer 2022. Via Nintendo Direct 2021

    Capcom’s successful action RPG game, Monster Hunter is back and proves to be just as exciting and chock full of action. Next year, Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak expansion pack will arrive in Summer of 2022. Additionally, massive updates are scheduled during that time. Monster Hunter supports online and co-op up to 4 players.

    Company: Capcom

    4. Bayonetta 3


    Nintendo Direct
    Bayonetta 3 2022 Nintendo games dlc updates Via Nintendo Direct

    Fourth, Bayonetta 3 is an action slasher game developed exclusively for the Nintendo Switch from Platinum Games. Furthermore, the game gained a lot of its  popular because of its use of a bad*** female for it’s main character. While, no much was revealed aside from the title, Nintendo teases a glimpse of its gameplay which you can watch below.

    Company: Platinum Games, 2022

    Gameplay footage

    5. Disco Elysium- The Final Cut

    Disco Elysium
    Disco Elysium october 12. Nintendo games dlc updates Via Nintendo Direct

    Disco Elysium is already successful on other gaming platforms. Thus, its adaption on the switch looks very promising. Additionally, the game’s format is a choice based investigative RPG game with a lot of mystery. Moreover, the main character has certain skills and ability that if used in certain ways will open more choices. In terms of story, Disco Elysium’s story unfolds slowly unraveling the investigation and mystery of your own main character. Additionally, the character you play is fully customizable with choices from clothing, style, and weapons.

    Company: ZA/UM, October 12

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