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    Marvel + the Multiverse; Feige: Keeping Timelines Straight.

    Marvel Tackles the Multiverse; Feige: Keeping Timelines Straight.

    Feige discusses how to keep multiverse timelines straight on D23 Inside Disney Podcast.

    What is the multiverse?

    Marvel Multiverse. Kevin Fiege talks about keeping the timelines straight.

    The multiverse consists of different universes where events could have happened slightly differently. Despite, these alternate realities, they are held together by one universal thread. An example, could be Dr. Strange during the events of Avengers End Game in which he spoke of many scenarios that happen during the fight with Thanos. With, Marvel tackling multiverses, Dr. Strange will be key in making sure things don’t vear to off of the universal thread.

    Protectors of the Multiverse

    Because timelines, can become destroyed and altered, the Multiverse must be protected. Thereby, there are individuals whose primary function is to keep the timeline safe. One is Merlyn. Another is the Time Variance Authority, that has made it’s appearance on the show, Loki. 

    D23, Inside Disney Podcast with Kevin Feige

     Kevin Feige
    Kevin Fiege of Marvel Studios discusses the multiverse and future movies on Disney podcast.

    While doing a podcast for D23, Inside Disney (Apple | Spotify), Kevin Feige spoke about Marvel’s recent projects and endeavers in tackling the multiverse stories. An Interviewer asked him how Marvel Studies keeps plotlines straight. With the multiverse in full play, things are destined to get interesting and a bit confusing so Marvel Studios employees actually had a meeting to make sure everyone was on the same page with events that unfold and the rules of the multiverse.  More over, Feige said,

    “We have dedicated individuals who remember and communicate the information for us. We frequently have meetings to discuss the growth and development, and Louis D’Esposito, Victoria Alonso, and I oversee all of them.”

    Additionally, Marvel Studios has a team who has been diligient in keeping timelines straight and the entire story together. Kevin Feige credits them in the podcast.

    “But in reality, a highly dedicated and creative team at Marvel Studios works tirelessly on each project.”

    Below, Feige speaks more about the people in charge of each storyline. These storylines will create a series of events that will change how the timeline will look. As well as, have big impacts to the already known stories. Furthermore, without everyone taking care of their respective roles, it would be impossible to keep from making mulltiverse errors.

    “Mary Livanos managed WandaVision throughout, Zoie Nagelhout handled The Falcon and the Winter Soldier on a daily basis, and Kevin Wright played a key role in developing the beloved aspects of the Loki series alongside Kate Herron and Tom Hiddleston.”

    Spider-Man: No Way Home

    Fanmade poster for Spider-Man: No Way Home, showing three Spider-Men: Tobey McGuire, Andrew Garfield, and Tom Holland.
    Marvel Multiverse according to Kevin Fiege

    Most importantly, the first movie to see changes will be the most anticipated, Spider-Man: No Way Home. Additonally, the events fans witnessed from the following TV shows, streamed on Disney+, will now impact Marvel movies making a united Marvel Universe through TV and Films. Even though, Spider-Man has been confirmed as multiversal, for some time, the events are finally in place for Spider-Man’s (Tobey McGuire, Andrew Garfield, and Tom Holland) story to be told. No doubt, it will be exciting, for sure.

    Final Thoughts from Kevin Feige

    “We’re huge fans of the multiverse and its incredible storytelling possibilities. We’ve teased it in previous films like Doctor Strange and played with the idea in Spider-Man: Far From Home.”

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