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    Mariah Carey Suing Her Former Assistant for $3 Million???

    Mariah Carey is suing her former assistant for $3 fucking million!

    Carey says that her former assistant, Lianna Azarian, is withholding very damaging videos that could hurt her career. TMZ obtained the lawsuit, and it specifies a detailed history of Carey and Azarian’s relationship.

    Back in March 2015, Carey hired Azarian as an Executive Assistant. In that time, Carey claims Azarian was the opposite of professional. Allegedly, Azarian was using MC’s name to cash-in on perks and other discounts, while also swiping Carey’s credit card for some major purchases.

    Mariah Carey say’s during that time, Azarian blackmailed her too. MC states that Azarian threatened to reveal her “embarrassing” videos if Carey didn’t pay her $8 million. Despite, the threats, Carey fired the assistant. TMZ reports that “We Belong Together” singer was dishing out more than $327,000 to Azarian, while she was employed.

    Unfortunately, that still wasn’t enough. Carey reports that Azarian has refused to hand over the secretly-recorded videos she has of Carey. And for that, Mc is suing for unspecified damages and that $3 mill.

    Thoughts? Is Mariah Carey suing for too much, or does she have the right to every penny? Share your thoughts below.

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