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    Hot Cheetos + Turkey = WTF

    We’re sure you’ve seen a lot of questionable dishes at the Thanksgiving table over the years. Last year, it was probably your aunt’s stuffing, stuffed with cauliflower and apples, or your uncle’s runny eggnog cheesecake. But do any of them compare to a Flamin’ Hot Cheetos turkey?

    It isn’t exactly a new recipe, but it’s certainly catching on to some people. Who those rare individuals are, we have no clue.

    The aluminum foil company, Reynolds, reintroduced the idea this year on their website. The recipe didn’t come complete with an elaborate list of ingredients, it was pretty simple. All you have to do is rub the turkey down in either oil or butter, for sticking purposes, before sprinkling the crushed cheetos all over. Sounds easy!

    But is anyone going to eat it? Or will it be the dish that everyone eats around?

    Here are some thoughts from Twitter.

    In other food news, check out this story.

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