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    Diddy Speaks Out After Losing Kim Porter

    In recent days, Diddy had to face one of the most horrific things one could face. His previous girlfriend and Mother of two of his children “Kim Porter” died last week.

    It came as a shock, that the beautiful 47-year-old model passed away. Despite Diddy’s long list of lovers, he never had anything bad to say when it came to Kim Porter.

    Artists and celebrities from all over sent their condolences to the Bad Boy CEO personally. For days many wondered if he would make an official announcement surrounding the sudden loss, he took to Instagram to do so.

    “For the last three days I’ve been trying to wake up out of this nightmare. But I haven’t. I don’t know what I’m going to do without you baby. I miss you so much.”

    We send prayers of peace during this hard time for Diddy.


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