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    Wendy Williams Leaves Out With Jr. After Fighting His Dad

    Wendy Williams has been on an emotional rollercoaster over the past several months. Now it seems like it’s a family feud brewing between father and son. One that turned into a physical altercation where Jr. gave an ass whooping to his father.

    The beloved gossip queen has had her fair share of hard times as of lately. The aftermath of her husband knocking up her sidepiece has caused chaos. Wendy decided to take a hiatus from her show when rumors started pouring out. Furthermore, once she made a triumphant return to the show, she admitted that she was dealing with an addiction. Instantly Wendy’s fans commended her for her bravery regarding admitting her truth. Shortly afterward Williams began announcing her desire to divorce Kevin Hunter.

    Over the past two months, the family has been under the microscope, with Kevin and Wendy at war over money and prized possessions. It seems like Kevin Hunter Jr. decided to take matters into his own hands. Several outlets have reported that Jr. got into a physical altercation with his father. Hence the incident ended in Jr. allegedly punching his Sr. in the face. He would go on to be arrested for his actions. Earlier this afternoon photographer caught the mother and son heading to a gala event.

    Both of them seemed to be happy without a worry on their mind. Despite Jr. being charged with a simple assault, he was processed and then released. Furthermore, thankfully the 18-year-old didn’t have to go to county jail. Kevin Hunter Sr. had this to say about the incident:

    “I love my son very much and I will not be pursuing this matter legally,” Hunter said in a statement to TMZ on Wednesday. “Things are not always how they appear.”

    In conclusion, what will happen between the family? Will they be able to work everything out?

    Featured Image Credit: Featured Image Credit: Mike Pont/WireImage

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