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    The Truth About Rappers: Boosie Badazz Claims 90% Are Rats

    As the popularity of rap music grows, raising questions of credibility for its artists has long been debated and discussed. Recently, one notable rapper made an startling claim – that 90% of rappers are rats! But is this claim accurate? In this article we take an in-depth look into hip-hop artists’ loyalty and trustworthiness as an exploration.

    Who Is Boosie Badazz (formerly Lil Boosie)?

    Boosie Badazz, more popularly known by his initial moniker of Lil Boosie in Louisiana, first gained notoriety during the early 2000s with hits like “Wipe Me Down” and “Zoom.” Despite legal troubles – such as drug charges leading to prison time for Boosie as well as being cleared at trial of murder charges against him – Boosie remains one of the most respected and influential rappers today.

    What exactly does Boosie Badazz mean when referring to “rats”?

    Boosie recently claimed in an interview that “90% of all rappers are rats.” What does he mean by this statement? In the world of rap music, “rat” refers to someone who informs on or betrays their associates – in other words, an informant/informer/snitch; Boosie’s claim implies that many rappers would rather sacrifice relationships just so they can protect themselves by turning in on fellow artists in order to protect themselves financially and avoid prosecution themselves.

    Are Boosie Badazz’s claims true?

    No hard evidence supports Boosie’s claims; however, the rap industry has an established history of rappers “ratting out” their associates to law enforcement authorities for various purposes – for instance in 2019 rapper Tekashi 6ix9ine testified against members of his former gang the Nine Trey Gangsta Bloods so he could receive a lighter sentence himself for crimes he himself had committed; this led to their conviction and caused much debate within rap communities regarding ethical considerations associated with snitching.

    Informants in rap communities have long been an issue. Back in 1994, Tupac Shakur famously accused Notorious B.I.G of involvement with his shooting, leading to an epic rivalry that ultimately resulted in both of their deaths via separate drive-by shootings.

    What will this mean for the rap industry?

    Boosie Badazz’s claim has ignited an internal discussion within the rap community on what role trustworthiness should play within their industry. Some rappers have come forward to defend themselves while others criticized Boosie’s broad and potentially harmful assertion. Overall, however, loyalty in rappers remains an intractable problem that cannot easily be resolved.

    In conclusion,Rap music has always been an exciting form of entertainment; but as Boosie Badazz recently asserted, its world can also be one of turbulence and betrayal. Fans must decide for themselves which aspects are more valuable in our favorite rappers – talent onstage or their commitment and dependability offstage?

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