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    The New Mutants Will Bring Fright To The X-men

    I killed 18 men—one by one.
    The trailer for Marvels “The New Mutants” hit the internet and it’s way different from all the previous movies. Take a look below.

    New Mutants is dark; I mean incredibly dark . Where the previous X-men movies were all action. This one adds a little horror and suspense to its story. The hero’s in this movie are fresh and were never in any X-men movie. You have Magik, Cannonball, Sunspot, Cecilia Reyes, and Wolfbane.

    The cast looks good. We have Masie Williams (Game of Thrones)playing wolfbane (ironic). Anya Taylor Joy(Split, Glass) playing, Magik, the sister of an X-men favorite, Colossus.  However, these are only a couple of mutants that this movie is bringing to the big screen. The others that will be in the movie have powers that will blow your mind. There is no news yet if this movie will have anything to do with the MCU, but fingers cross that it does.

    The Movie

    New Mutants was originally supposed to come out through 20th Century Fox but since Disney brought Fox. It can now be considered a Disney project. I’m sure they change a couple of things. The story seems to be interesting. It takes place in an asylum, which is supposed to help the teens control their powers. But the team of mutants discovers something strange about the asylum that makes their stay a life or death situation.

    The New Mutants Will Bring Fright To The X-men-1

    The New Mutants hit the scene in 1982 and continued to become a successful spin-off to the X-men series. The comic is still popular to this day. Let’s just hope the movie can generate the same fan base as the comic. New Mutants comes to theaters on April 2, 2020.

    Comment below and let us know if you are excited about this new group of teenage mutants.

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