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    R.Kelly Pleading With Judge To Travel To Dubai To Make Money

    R.Kelly is trying his best to clear his name. However, it seems as though everyone in America sees him as guilty.

    The alleged sexual predator that is known as R.Kelly is experiencing financial ruins. Because of the claims tying him to having sex with underaged girls, the singer has lost millions. His record label and legal counsel has severed ties with him prior to being hit with 10 counts. In addition, everyone connected to him has just about distanced themselves from the singer. Know he’s making a request that’s bound to get denied.

    R.Kelly Dubai

    The “Step In The Name Of Love” singer is requesting permission to leave the country. At the moment Robert is awaiting trial, where plenty of people feel as though he’s guilty. He would be able to possibly perform concert bookings in Dubai. Kelly’s legal counsel claims that the singer is not able to provide for himself and others.

    “He needs to be able to work like anyone else who is free on bond, and the law needs to be adaptable,”

    In a recent interview with Gayle King on CBS, he claimed that he couldn’t have a relationship with his kids. At every turn, all the evidence point to him being guilty. Even his former lawyer Ed Genson claims that he’s guilty. Within the last two weeks, additional people have come forward with newly discovered sex tapes.

    Will R.Kelly Dubai happen? Is his career finished globally?

    Featured Image Credit: Frank Franklin II / AP


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