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    Preston A. Dent Lives His Dream With Panoramic Vision

    Self-made visionary

    Preston A. Dent  is a born dreamer, and his filmmaking skills are unmatched. Besides being talented, Preston’s life story allows people to believe beyond their pain.

    Unquestionably having the ability to transform ideas into visual masterpieces requires a special type of person. Understanding your purpose in life is very difficult for most people. However, since birth, Preston A. Dent trusted God’s plan and never doubted the ultimate destination

    Without a doubt, his purpose and blueprint for success will affect the next generation of filmmakers; unlike most people who attend college to gain their desired skill, he learned everything from the School of Hard Knocks.

    Read more about hip-hop here.

    The Beauty of Creation

    Following in the footsteps of iconic filmmakers such as Spike Lee and John Singleton, his goal is to create ground-breaking films. Besides learning from these legends, his stories reflect this generation’s raw energy and creative passion.

    Preston’s ability to see life’s hidden secrets and beauty makes his films stand out. His relentless pursuit of perfection reflects in every movie scene.

    Indeed, every film created by him echoes the creative genius and talent of African Americans. It is important to note that every TV and movie script is written and produced by Preston A. Dent.

    Birth of Panoramic Vision Lifestyle Magazine

    Creating opportunities for black, brown, and Hispanic people is a top priority for Preston A. Dent. Growing up in an unfair legal system gave Preston a unique survival skill-set.

    Enduring some of life’s most dangerous moments, he never wasted time and understood the importance of freedom.

    Launching his own company allowed him to empower people of all races. Besides creating Panoramic Vision Lifestyle Magazine, he also can develop aspiring filmmakers.

    Moreover, he created a media outlet that challenges corporate America, which requires a courageous spirit. Panoramic Vision Lifestyle Magazine is a network of news and cultural content for dedicated consumers of non-biased information.

    Without a doubt, establishing a company which gives a voice to the voiceless defines Panoramic Vision Lifestyle’s mission .

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