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    PIERCE Drops Another Hint To “FLESH” EP with New Track “Tyrant”

    If you ever find yourself in an Uber with PIERCE, it’s best to keep quiet. On his new track “Tyrant,” we find out that that the young producer isn’t much of a talker, and more importantly, another puzzle piece of his “FLESH” EP saga. “Tyrant” takes place largely during a car ride, where PIERCE‘s Uber driver dryly states that he is “going to go f*ck himself, then” after unsuccessfully trying to make smalltalk while PIERCE is engaged in listening to his own music. It is then that we hear a glimpse of “Tyrant,” assaulting the senses with abrasive basslines and menacing autotuned vocals. The track takes an unexpected turn when a screen of metal indicated that PIERCE‘s car has been attacked and he is abducted by his assailants with the faint scream of police sirens in the background. The mystery simply grows deeper with every release from the “FLESH” EP, so take a listen to “Tyrant” and try to predict what happens next in PIERCE‘s story.

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    Austin Pierce Guerra, better known as the maestro behind PIERCE, makes the type of music that both instills terror in soccer moms and bloodthirsty euphoria in bassheads – the type that sounds like it could come straight from a steel factory, yet drives thousands of bodies into a frenzy on the dancefloor. While perfecting his craft at Icon Collective production school, PIERCE learned the ropes from some of the best minds in the business. After graduating in 2015, he had his debut EP “Audi” signed to Spinnin’ Recordswithin a year, then went on to release “Hijack” on Insomniac‘s Bassrush label in 2017. “FLESH” is his most ambitious project yet, fusing the mind of a storyteller and producer together to create a dark sonic tale of survival. Keep an eye out for the next pieces to PIERCE‘s menacing puzzle coming soon.

    More info on PIERCE:

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