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    West Philly Man Bribed Mail Carrier for Weed Packages


    How many times do I have to say this? A jury found 52-year-old Patrick Walker guilty of paying $35 a package to divert deliveries of marijuana to him. The jury also charged him with possession of marijuana with intent to sell. The carrier (or shall we say…courier), Charles Walker pleaded guilty and now awaits a sentence. It’s unclear whether they’re related.

    According to Philly Voice, The U.S Postal Service found out about the deal in 2016. Instead of delivering the packages to the original addresses, Charles would transport them to Patrick’s car at different locations. Once the Feds got tape on Charles, they went in and seized several packages containing the illicit substance.

    And as if that wasn’t enough, authorities then planted a consensual wiretap on Charles’ phone. Once in place, they were able to gather evidence on other deals between the duo. The deliveries are believed to have come from California as well as other West Coast locations.  Weed was the ultimate winner of the Midterm elections, but not for Philly. Patrick Walker’s sentencing date is in March 2019. U.S Attorney William M. McSwain said this:

    “Bribing a government worker and drug trafficking are both serious crimes. Patrick Walker had no respect for the law and we are thankful to the jury for holding him accountable for his crimes.”

    What do you think? Shouldn’t marijuana just be legal at this point?

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