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    Lauren Boebert Kicked Out of Beetlejuice for Singing, Vaping

    Lauren Boebert’s Unusual Night Out: Singing and Vaping at ‘Beetlejuice’

    Well, here’s a bit of unexpected news for you: U.S. Representative Lauren Boebert recently made headlines for all the wrong reasons, and it had nothing to do with politics. She was going to the Denver Broadway smash “Beetlejuice,” but her behavior got loud at the theater, and she was kicked out.

    Can you believe it?

    She was reportedly singing loudly, puffing on a vape, and even trying to record the show.

    Now, let’s set the scene during intermission. Some theatergoers had clearly had enough of the disruptions caused by Boebert and another attendee. So, the theater called in security. They gave Boebert and her companion a warning, hoping that would settle things down.

    But guess what?

    The warning didn’t do the trick. The disruptions just kept on going, leading to their removal from the venue by security staff.

    Her campaign office said she was removed, but it denied claims. All this latest episode does is put another layer on top of a controversial cake that’s been frosted with problems facing Boebert before and after her election to Congress in 2020.

    Before entering politics, Boebert became an issue for law enforcement as there were questions about whether or not she should have ever had public office. And after she represented the House of Representatives in Washington DC, she made another headline by openly challenging security arrangements with the headquarters.

    This sparked a political debate over Senate security on Capitol Hill. Some segments of her family raised some unnecessary hullabaloo and hell amongst their neighborhood community as well that eventually came out like an announcement for the divorce between this congresswoman’s spouse.

    Lauren Boebert is a politician who definitely knows how to grab the spotlight, but it’s not always for the best reasons. People who follow Boebert sometimes show admiration for her straight-to-face dealing strategy with politics; others are concerned about her behavior and potentiality of personality regarding getting elected. This recent happening at “Beetlejuice” musical is just one more episode where Boebert makes headlines wherever she goes by all means possible.

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