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    How Hip-Hop Can Be Incorporated Into Education?

    Hip-hop-Based Education (HBOE) is an ever-growing movement. Its cultural relevance and tendency to promote a greater social and political awareness within an academic setting are two of the reasons why it is so popular.

    Hip-hop in the classroom is simply the integration of hip-hop culture into the teaching process. This includes rap lyrics and songs, as well as in-class material creation and delivery. This type of teaching is a great way to improve student learning. Many educators agree that their students perform better academically because the way of learning is closer to students.

    It seems absurd that hip-hop-based education is not being given enough attention in many educational institutions due to its achievements. Isn’t it the general aim to change students’ minds from “who can I pay to do my homework?” to “I can’t wait to do my homework”? America will be ruled by rap culture for the next decades. Why not make it educational?

    Do teachers use this method?

    Cassie Crim, an Illinois high school teacher, introduced herself to her students through a rap video. The teacher used Cardi B’s “Bodack Yellow” to reference math terms and set expectations for the class.

    Crim isn’t the only one to use this method. Manuel Rustin, a Californian teacher of social studies, uses rap music to teach. Quan Nelson from Fredrick Douglass Academy has been teaching college vocabulary using lyrics from his favorite rap songs. He also uses references to important American events. This tutor is part of a new breed of educators that embrace Hip Hop-based learning.

    Instructors consider hip-hop one of the most effective teaching methods to get to know their students and not condemn them for what they do. These are some examples of hip-hop being used to engage students and get results that money cannot buy.

    Hamilton’s history is your guide

    Lin-Manuel Miranda’s musical “Hamilton”, has elevated hip-hop to new heights. This experience, in addition to the high-quality music and stage setting, is about revealing who the founding father was and how they, together with their counterparts, created the American social order we have today. Modernizing and humanizing the hero of the 10-dollar bill is the creative strategy that made this work so beloved. He’s an immigrant, who worked hard and is a tireless writer. He also acts as a brave soldier, a loving father, and works hard to make a successful career. He is a human being, with his own needs, strengths, and weaknesses.

    Hamilton is easy to relate to for all viewers because of the portrayal. The musical style conveys Hamilton’s energy and talent in an easily understood way. This is why the musical has been rated as one of Broadway’s best. It is also likely that students will love it. There is always the question of whether the author was able to verify the accuracy of his research. Is “Hamilton” telling the whole truth about the founding father, including his military service and important periods in his life? Yes and no. Yes and no. Of course, creative freedoms require explanations and clarifications. But that’s not the only thing that matters.

    The American values of freedom and equality and the pursuit of happiness need to be emphasized. Young minds must understand that these are not just empty words on the government website, but actual truths that define American reality. The musical “Hamilton” is a wonderful example of this, as it feels like a personal piece. Young listeners will be able to absorb the passion and spirit of the Broadway show and apply their knowledge to the companies and essays they are writing.

    How hip-hop introduces cultural diversity

    Let’s take a look at three more examples of hip-hop being glorified in cinema to help you understand the fundamental human values. These works can be used for studying cultures, psychology, and many other important disciplines.

    • “Take The Lead.” This 2006 film by Liz Friedlander is about a classical ball dancing teacher who forms a bond with a group of teenager ruffians and creates a new style. This is not a cheap drama, but it’s a powerful piece with remixes to famous jazz songs that will make you want to dance. It encourages children to trust themselves and not rely on others.
    • In The Heights”This musical was also written by Lin-Manuel Miranda and the film that updated it recently premiered. This film, directed by Jon M. Chu, focuses on the struggles of the Hispanic community, but it is not a new creation. Each line has been based on his own experiences, which means that there is a new reality for students.
    • “Do The Right Thing” was a 1989 Spike Lee film that discusses institutional racism and the power of Black culture. The original jazz score includes hip-hop tracks by Public Enemy. This combination is both beautiful and representative. Every school and college student needs to remember the original approach and powerful message.

    Encourage creativity among students

    Students should never be passive customers who consume whatever their instructor tells them. Their English grammar may not be perfect, but they should still be able to write “serious stuff” if they choose.

    Teaching self-expression is a great value. The best way to teach it is to help each learner discover his or her talents. A personalized approach builds trust between the instructor, the class, and creates the basis for mutual respect and productive working. Many students can be demotivated by hearing the phrase, “You can only write essays!” repeatedly. This reasoning is quite simple. You should allow your students to react creatively to the content you present. It’s going to be unfair.

    It is also not surprising that hip-hop is the music that teenagers and children love the most. It’s bold and unique, and it allows almost unlimited creative freedom for anyone who wants to participate. To write rhymes that your friends can relate to, you don’t have to be an expert in classical poetry. That’s also inspiring. Online guides are plentiful, so instructors can assist their students by providing these and helping them to improve their skills. While not all learners will be professional performers, they will all be grateful for the unique experience and empowerment.

    Bottom line

    Hip-hop can be used on many levels in the classroom, as you can see. Creative instructors can help students realize that they are talented rap writers. This could help them find their true calling. Writing papers that are inspired by something you enjoy is a joy, even if it’s not your primary mode of education. It’s for sure a dream of every teacher not to assign students, but to receive emails about the best anthropology topics they want to write on and the latest studies that should be discussed. Only a few psychological services can inspire and excite as much as music, and there are very few exceptions to this rule. It’s a great way to increase productivity for students, especially when they’re interested in music.

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